Gentleman, Let's build!
This is the homepage for our Minecraft server.
Here you can find basic information about plugins used, server status, players online and a live world map.
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to join our server at is a vanilla Minecraft server set-up for some friends and family.
A place online seemed appropriate as the server grew bigger and bigger.
It houses a couple of plugins, some just for fun, others because they seemed necessary.
If you know a plugin that would fit this server, please let us know!
The server is maintained by two brothers.
We have a lots of professional experience in hosting servers making this a very stable platform for you, to start your journey!
We're not hiring at the moment.
A couple of plugins are used on this site as mentioned before.
If you want a complete overview, please look at the section below.
Some of the highlights are: